If you're hit, you can no longer move.
If you're hit, you can no longer move.
el oh el
Graphics - Just a good photoshop job.
Style - Similar to Conan O'Brien's "If They Mated."
Sound - Nightrider theme > all!
Violence - Well, there wasn't quite a need.
Interactivity - It was a game!
Humor - Ok, I chuckled.
1000th review!
Oh, gg man!
Just One Slight Problem.
Could you switch it to the arrows rather than the asdw controls. Or maybe even the mouse?
It is a movie.
It's a movie man.
Ok, Here's how you can get 50,000 feet.......
APRIL FOOLS! HA! It still counts because I'm on PST, and It's only 11:00.
Seriously, great game. I'd ask to make one with dead babies, but I'm sick of dead baby jokes.
Good, but.......
There's little point to it. It's just a very cheap version of Sim City that can do nothing else. Better luck next time.
This account previously went by the name The_wwwyzzerdd. However, it's owner decided to spam us. This account now belongs to The Alliance. Let it be a warning to spammers.
Being Awesome
The Alliance
Joined on 12/5/03